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FURY HAS ARRIVED: Days after new ATF Director says they aren't political, the ATF is now "Captured"
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at the newest idea from the Gun Controllers. The ATF is a "Captured" Agency, but don't worry the Gun Contro...
EPIC: Assault Weapon Bans dealt a death blow in Congress... This may be the best Anti-gun trap EVER!
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Limited Edition T-Shirt: https://www.ninelineapparel.com/collections/halfway-there In tonight's video, we take a look at what can only be described as the best Ant...
HUGE: US District court HALTS magazine and gun ban… Bruen is starting to work!
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Limited design T-shirt link: https://www.ninelineapparel.com/collections/halfway-there In today's episode we take a look at a judicial decision which has HALTED a ...
UPDATE: Feds arrest GOP Rep's Assault suspect while NY STILL sits on it's hands... NY is BROKEN...
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Limited T-shirt link: https://www.ninelineapparel.com/collections/halfway-there In tonight's video, we breakdown how the Feds have stepped in and arrested the woul...
The View at it again... Claims Indiana HERO broke the law while he saved countless people...
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Limited edition shirt: https://www.ninelineapparel.com/collections/halfway-there In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at a segment from The View...
Newsome's Strikes AGAIN... New gun law puts Gun Owners at the MERCY of a $10,000 lawsuit
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Limited shirt link: https://www.ninelineapparel.com/collections/halfway-there In tonight's episode we take a look at Gavin Newsome's new law in California which wi...
BREAKING: GOP NY Rep. assassination attempt thwarted... Suspect RELEASED within hours...
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats T-Shirt link: https://www.ninelineapparel.com/collections/halfway-there In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we cover the attempted assassination of Rep. Lee Z...
CURIOUS: Why does the same dollar amount keep popping up in Biden's New Gun Control plans?...
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonights episode, we take a look at Biden's New Gun Control plan that he was set to announce in PA today before he got sick... However, upon looking at the plan...
INTRIGUING: Media is warning Dems on Assault Weapons Ban… It will backfire just like 94'…
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at a number of articles from the mainstream media which are warning the Dems about their most recent Gun Co...
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