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Assault Weapons Ban PASSES the House… What actually happened here?…. What is next for us?...
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's video we break down not only that the Assault Weapons Ban passed the House, but how did this happen? This process was extremely murky and underhanded....
UPDATE: House votes Assault Weapon Ban into debate for today... updates coming throughout day...
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode we discuss the updates to HR 1808. As of the posting of this video, the Democrats have passed both a resolution to debate HR 1808 and expedite t...
MASSIVE: State Mag Ban in crosshairs in new lawsuit… in 2nd test for Bruen… It's STARTING!
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's episode, we take a look at a 2nd MASSIVE lawsuit introduced in Colorado challenging the Mag Ban in Federal Court. This is the second lawsuit put forwa...
THE GAME IS UP: Assault Weapons Ban FAIL lets the cat out of the bag for Dems…
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode, we dive into how even the media is realizing that the failure of the Assault Weapons Ban is an indicator of much bigger things than just Gun Co...
MASSIVE WIN! Pelosi PULLS the Assault Weapons Ban! Due to a LACK of DEM votes…
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Limited T-Shirt Link: https://www.ninelineapparel.com/collections/halfway-there In tonight's episode, we cover the massive defeat for the Democrats of the Assault ...
GROSS: Gun Control via DEMONIZATION… Propaganda FLYING before CEO’s lambasted in House…
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at how the Dems are attempting to demonize gun manufacturers for conducting a LEGAL business enterprise... ...
BLATANT: Media and Dems now coordinating the targeting of Gun Company’s sales and marketing…
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's episode, we examine the collusion between the media and the Democrats. Particularly with the focus on sales and marketing of the guns inside Gun Compa...
MASTERFUL: Daniel Defense marketing used Gun Control against itself... and the Left is FURIOUS...
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at a Washington Post article which is attempting to cast a MASTERFUL piece of marketing from Daniel Defense...
ALERT! Assault Weapons Ban movement update… You have a chance to RUIN Nancy’s day on this vote…
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's episode, we take a look at the movement of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022. It has been announced that it will be going through the House Rules Commit...
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