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#guncontrol #2A #biden #harris #Democrats
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In this video we briefly talk about a Senate rule called the "Byrd rule". This is the rule that is preventing the Left from attacking our 2nd Amendment rights... Let's dive in people!
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  • House Dems BEG Biden for Gun Control Executive Orders... Thumbnail

    #guncontrol #guns #Biden #2A #Democrats Newsletter Signup: In today's video, we discuss how the house democrats are getting more and more desperate as times goes on... Let's talk about this people! Articles for Reference: Epoch Times: A group of House Democrats has asked President Joe Biden to take executive action on “concealable assault-style firearms,” citing two mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, Colorado, last month. CBS News: “The alleged gunman in the Boulder shooting, used a semi-automatic Ruger AR-556 pistol, a smaller version of AR-15-style rifles that is capable of firing rifle rounds. Alissa purchased the weapon legally, police said.” The Hill: "For too long, gun manufacturers in order to circumvent the National Firearms Act have designed and marketed concealable AR-15 style firearms which fire rifle rounds," the lawmakers wrote. "Concealable assault-style firearms that fire rifle rounds pose an unreasonable threat to our communities and should be fully regulated under the National Firearms Act consistent with the intent and history of the law.”

  • No Gun Control yet… and Joe is in hot water with the Left… Thumbnail

    #guncontrol #2A #democrats #biden #gunworld Newsletter Signup: In this video, we discuss how the left is losing patience with Biden over his lack of Gun Control... Let's discuss people! Articles for review: Media: NYT “During the campaign, Mr. Biden also promised on his first day in office to send a bill to Congress that would repeal liability protections for gun manufacturers and close background-check loopholes. He has not done so yet, 65 days into his term.” Gun Control Groups: NY Times: “Po Murray, chairwoman of the Newtown Action Alliance, said the administration’s “inconsistent” messaging was a problem. “We’re trying to figure out what’s happening here,” she said. “We pushed for it, we supported him, we expected a better response after the election.” “I was very frustrated that he pivoted to infrastructure week,” said Igor Volsky, the founder of Gun Down America. That the administration has not approached gun legislation with the same intensity that it brought to its $1.9 trillion pandemic rescue plan — which passed with no Republican support — only added to his frustration, he said.” NPR: Advocates Disappointed By Biden's Sidestep Of Gun Legislation Given His History White House Causes Frustration In Private And Public Responses To Gun Violence The McDowell News: Column: The answer on guns is staring us in the face (Angry Column)

  • Schumer Pivots on Gun Control… Now it’s Ghost Guns that are the problem… Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #democrats #biden #gunworld Newsletter Signup: In this video, we discuss how Schumer has now pivoted the focus of gun control to Ghost Guns... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: Open letter to ATF: What Schumer wants: 1. Amend the definition of “firearm frame or receiver” 2. Provide all available data on the frequency with which federal authorities are encountering these so-called ghost guns FROM THE LETTER… “Last summer, Nassau County law enforcement officials recovered 22 ghost guns, along with thousands of rounds of ammunition and narcotics and bomb-making equipment, in a single Farmingdale, NY residence. The types of ghost guns seized include semiautomatic handguns, semiautomatic rifles, and an illegally modified fully automatic rifles.” “In Syracuse, NY a man shot his 6 year old nephew in the back also using a ghost gun. Without any serial numbers or identifying information, authorities were unable to determine the weapon’s history or its origin.” Attorney General NY: “In September 2019, Attorney General Tish James sent cease and desist letters to companies behind a number of websites selling incomplete weaponry pieces—ghost gun kits—to New Yorkers that could be easily assembled into illegal assault weapons. In July 2020, Attorney General James announced that all the companies behind the sale of these firearms or firearms components had complied with her cease and desist letters and ended the sale of these weapons to New Yorkers.” NY Daily News: “The NYPD did not have data on the number of ghost gun seizures in the city, but a spokesman said the number of guns recovered during arrests spiked by 30% last year to 4,280 from 3,299 the year before.” Fox Lexington: “Neither gunman in the recent mass shootings in Atlanta and Colorado used ghost guns. But according to Schumer, the gun kits have been flowing into New York. He pointed to a bust on Long Island this past summer that resulted in the seizure of 22 ghost guns.” Schumer’s “Ghost Guns” Press Conference:

  • Biden spills Gun Control Executive Order details… It’s exactly what we thought… Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #Biden #executiveorder #democrats Newsletter Signup: In this video we discuss what Biden just let slip on Gun Control Executive Orders! He's leaning exactly where we thought he would be, if he dared... Articles for Reference: "We are looking at that right now,” Biden said when asked about an executive order. “We are looking at what kind of authority I have relative to imported weapons as well as whether or not I have any authority to ... these new weapons that are being made by 3D equipment that aren't registered as guns at all. There may be some latitude there as well." Nothing new here… Previous Presidents who have done the same thing: 1989 by George H. W. Bush 1998 by Bill Clinton, to ban the import of several types of semi-automatic rifles. The Trace (Oct. 2nd, 2019) “How much power does the president actually have over gun policy? When it comes to changing laws, not much. However, as the head of the executive branch, the president can direct how its agencies enforce gun laws and influence internal practices.” “The president can prioritize enforcement of current laws, direct existing infrastructure like the background check system to operate differently, or, most dramatically, promulgate formal rule changes to rewrite the particulars of regulation. Outside of the DOJ, the president can also address the proliferation of guns through trade policy.” “Joe Biden has said he would use executive action to block the importation of assault weapons. As vice president, his office was in charge of the Obama administration’s efforts to limit gun violence through executive action.” “At the third Democratic presidential primary debate on September 12, a question on this issue drew Harris and Biden into a tense exchange. Biden insisted that the president’s executive authorities were limited when it came to cracking down on assault weapons by executive order, “Some things you can [do by executive order]. Many things you can’t,” Expert Quotes from article “The most significant thing the president can do is influence the ATF, and the ATF has to abide by what Congress has told it to do,” “The president can’t establish universal background checks by executive order. A ban on the import of assault weapons is not the same as an assault weapons ban.”


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