Biden spills Gun Control Executive Order details… It’s exactly what we thought…
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1998 by Bill Clinton, to ban the import of several types of semi-automatic rifles.
When it comes to changing laws, not much. However, as the head of the executive branch, the president can direct how its agencies enforce gun laws and influence internal practices.”
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#biden #guncontrol #democrats #2a Newsletter Signup: In this video, we discuss how Hunter Biden just proved the gun control measures that his father is trying to push on the American people... Articles for Review: Gun Control Poll: Rasmussin “The latest Rasmussen Reports survey said by a margin of 51% to 39% that “stricter gun control laws” will not prevent shootings like the one in Boulder. In two other questions, the survey indicated that the public is eager for another answer than more anti-gun laws. For example, likely voters surveyed, 49% to 46%, said the nation does not need more gun laws. And in a second about whether it is “completely possible to prevent mass shootings,” a significant 64% said “no,” including 53% of Democrats.” Washington Examiner: “Biden’s struggle with drug addiction has long been documented, with him being discharged from the Navy Reserve in 2014 for failing a drug test.” “President Joe Biden’s son Hunter may have committed a felony offense by reportedly stating he does not use or is addicted to drugs on a background check for a firearm. “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” a background check asked of the younger Biden. He reportedly answered, “No,” Politico reported Thursday.”
#2a #guncontrol #biden #executiveorder #democrats Newsletter Signup: In this video, we dive into the in's and outs of an executive order on Gun Control. This is a paper tiger people... The President is the head of the Executive branch or our government. The executive branch enforces the laws that Congress enacts. He cannot issue an executive order which conflicts with any amendment or existing law. This is the beauty of the Founding Father’s foresight against tyranny which they wrote into our constitution. If he does: -He will be impeached -The order will be struck down -Dems will lose seats in house and senate in 2022 -It’s not permanent and will be revoked by another administration If the executive order to ban guns was possible, do you really think that Obama wouldn’t have done it… Articles for reference: ABC News “We've been through thoughts and prayers and now-is-not-the-time statements, just as we've seen pledges that this time will be different, turn out no differently at all.” “It's early in a presidency for a president to turn to the pen, and Biden is not giving up hope of moving Congress to act on guns or any number of other fronts. But crisis moments are still showing no real signs of shifting congressional dynamics, making for a stubborn and familiar refrain.” Kamala Harris just refused to talk about it on CBS interview Biden’s press conference today, he avoided the question The Young Turks - Freaking out as usual
#guncontrol #Biden #2A #democrats #guns Newsletter Signup: This video discusses how the gun control arguments are changing from Democrats. They are shifting to mainstream arguments now as they escalate their rhetoric. Notes: The success we’re seeing is because of you and other 2nd amendment loving Patriots across the country. Never underestimate what you as an individual or as a group of individuals are capable of… We’re making an impact, stay with it and we can do the impossible together. Background of what is driving this change: -African Americans made up the largest demographic of new gun owners in 2020 -Support for more gun laws is falling (lowest since 2016) Overview of what has happened to date… Chronologically: - They put out extreme bills which were never adopted or co-sponsored (HR 127) (no acceptance from the party) - Then the media starts putting pressure on the Biden administration - Then Dem Senators start putting pressure on the Biden administration - Biden comes out and requests gun control - Psaki floats that executive orders are “on the table” - The house passes the bills HR 8 and HR 1446 - They try to knock out the filibuster, but fail - The media starts to admit that these bills won’t pass the Senate - The sponsor of the bill says the house bills won’t pass the Senate - Counter bills are introduced in the Senate - Feinstein’s AR ban is DOA - Schumer says there will be a vote, but no vote has been scheduled - Democratic leadership starts to float the idea that the bills need to be done incrementally in small, piece by piece legislation and that they need a symbolic victory over the NRA - Warnock and Obama are now calling for “commonsense” gun reform. Anti-gun groups are now going the “moderate” route These are the orgs that push and provide bills and points to the gun grabbing politicians… This is the source of their pushes… is pushing a “gun owners for safety” angle “We can prevent gun violence while also supporting the Second Amendment. Gun Owners for Safety unites hunters, sport shooters, and collectors who want commonsense gun laws.” Everytown USA is pushing hard for HR 8 and HR 1446 (background checks)
#guncontrol #gunbill #biden #2a #gun #democrats Newsletter Signup: In this video, we discuss how the Democrats are changing their strategy on gun control. They're going mainstream in the democrat party... Let's discuss... Buzz Feed: “Senate Democrats have told BuzzFeed News they are considering curtailing their ambitions on gun reform and pushing a narrower piece of legislation that can actually pass, rather than sweeping reforms that would likely be doomed. The party winning both chambers of Congress plus the White House may have raised hopes for long-sought gun control measures, such as a ban on assault rifles. But Democrats are instead starting to look at smaller measures that can win bipartisan support and break the National Rifle Association’s strong influence over Congress.” “Do you try and move a comprehensive gun bill that will go nowhere?” said Delaware Sen. Chris Coons. “Or do you take a small bill, pass it, then a medium-sized bill and pass it?” “I want to see us take real, concrete steps on gun safety. We don’t have to do every single thing at once. We could just take a bite, enough to show that the NRA does not have the entire Congress by the throat,” said Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. “There are obviously some parts and pieces of this agenda that are easier to frame in passable form than others,” he said. “I think the approach should be comprehensive, that’s the goal. But we may take it piece by piece.” - Connecticut Senator Blumenthal - D “While Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said he wants to take up the House bills, there is currently no timetable to do so.”
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