EPIC! Constitutional Sheriffs in open resistance against Pritzker’s “Assault Weapons Ban”…
Langley Outdoors Academy
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EPIC! Constitutional Sheriffs in open RESISTANCE against Pritzker's "Assault Weapons Ban"... This is amazing to see! Pritzker has threatened to fire any police who don't enforce his new "Assault Weapons Ban"... only one problem... Sheriffs are Constitutionally elected... Let's discuss people!
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Visit The Second Press: https://www.secondpress.co Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a EPIC! Gun purchasing codes to be BANNED AND FINED..! This is how we stop this! The State of Florida is about to introduce a bill to BAN AND FINE credit card companies from using gun and ammo codes in the State. Won't be long until other States follow suit! Let's go baby! Articles for Reference: https://www.fox13news.com/news/floridas-new-agriculture-commissioner-proposes-ban-on-merchant-category-codes-for-gun-ammo-purchases
Join The Second Press: https://www.secondpress.co Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a SOLID! National Reciprocity Bill introduced in Congress! However, the key is in the details... This is a great thing to see. In full transparency, this bill will not pass the Senate and Biden will absolutely not be signing this into Law. However, we have 118 House Members who were willing to sign their names to this bill. This is not to be scoffed at! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/38/cosponsors?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22H.R.+38%22%2C%22H.R.%22%2C%2238%22%5D%7D&r=11&s=1 https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2023/01/10/rep-hudson-introduces-national-reciprocity-of-concealed-carry/
Visit the Second Press! https://www.secondpress.co Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a 2A House Reps are returning with a VENGEANCE! Jim Jordan to chair "Weaponization of Gov" committee with Rep. Thomas Massie as well! This is incredible! So incredible in fact, the Dems and media are starting to freak out and attack. Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3805643-gops-weaponization-panel-would-have-power-to-review-those-probing-trump/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-gop-eyes-new-committee-probe-weaponization-federal-government-rcna64727
Second Press Link: https://www.secondpress.co Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a Newest carry law infringement stopped in its tracks! This is becoming a trend of freedom! Just two weeks after New Jersey was boasting about passing their new concealed carry law, it has been dealt a restraining order as it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This is becoming a trend Nationwide! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/09/judge-temporarily-blocks-prohibition-of-guns-in-certain-sensitive-places-00077040 https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000185-97a1-de44-a7bf-ffb77b120000