2A House Reps are returning with a VENGEANCE! Jim Jordan to chair “Weaponization of Gov” committee!
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2A House Reps are returning with a VENGEANCE! Jim Jordan to chair "Weaponization of Gov" committee with Rep. Thomas Massie as well! This is incredible! So incredible in fact, the Dems and media are starting to freak out and attack. Let's discuss people!
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Second Press Link: https://www.secondpress.co Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a Newest carry law infringement stopped in its tracks! This is becoming a trend of freedom! Just two weeks after New Jersey was boasting about passing their new concealed carry law, it has been dealt a restraining order as it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This is becoming a trend Nationwide! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/09/judge-temporarily-blocks-prohibition-of-guns-in-certain-sensitive-places-00077040 https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000185-97a1-de44-a7bf-ffb77b120000
Second Press Link: https://www.secondpress.co Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a ATF was just put on NOTICE! The 20 "holdouts" got a "weaponization of Gov against Americans" committee approved... They just did more for us than Republicans have in years. These are Patriots. Let's discuss people! Fair Use Declaration: The content used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine Video link for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdVqZLS1wNk
Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a Did you see the RINO BACKPEDALING? Crenshaw slips when "apologizing" for calling 20 holdout "terrorists" on CNN... This clip said a lot more than what they expected. As Dan Crenshaw attempts to divert heat away from not only his comments, but also his aggressive stance which seems to be causing him some issues... Let's discuss people! Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine. Articles for Reference: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/01/08/dan-crenshaw-republican-colleagues-terrorist-comment-sotu-tapper-vpx.cnn
Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a The ATF has undermined Gun Control talking points AGAIN and AGAIN... More data to support our Gun Rights... This is why we fight for our Rights every single day. They gun controllers don't have the Constitution, data, examples, nor statistics. The only thing they have is emotion. This is where we will defeat them people! Let's discuss! Articles for Reference: https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/philadelphia-gunviolence-zip-codes-2022-shooting-incidents/ https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/01/04/atf-data-reveals-how-detroit-is-getting-guns-off-of-the-streets/
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