Dems think the NRA is dead and the 2nd Amendment with it… They just don’t get it…
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“Democrats are in control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. The NRA is in the weakest shape it’s ever been,” he said. “It’s become clear that gun-safety laws aren’t only good life-saving policies, they’re good politics.””
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#filibuster #2A #gunbill #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: In this video, we discuss the filibuster and how it looks to be holding. Hopefully, we can continue to help it along! Don't give up hope! Articles for reference: CNN: Senate Democrats plot new effort to gut filibuster but lack votes for major overhaul “But they are running into a basic problem: the math. * Democrats lack the votes to change the Senate's rules by lowering the threshold for breaking a filibuster from 60 votes to 51, meaning that Senate Republicans will almost certainly maintain their power to shape the outcome of President Joe Biden's legislative agenda for at least the next two years in the evenly divided chamber, according to interviews with more than a dozen Senate Democrats.” CNN: The dangerous ramifications of killing the filibuster “The filibuster is the last and best mechanism available to compel some level of bipartisan cooperation to advance meaningful, durable legislation in Congress. * It's important to note that some of the biggest opponents of the filibuster have been the most radical and extreme voices -- not the leaders who strive for moderation.” Politico: Democrats Would Regret Nuking the Filibuster “This would be a mistake, both for the institution of the Senate and for the narrow partisan interests of the Democrats. One would think that the experience that the party had the last time it took a hatchet to the filibuster would warn it off any repeat, but institutional memories aren’t exactly long in Washington these days.” US News: Democrats Eye Filibuster Reform With Support for Elimination Elusive “Mitt Romney of Utah said Wednesday. "Having a talking filibuster? Heck, we could all talk. I'm not sure that changes much.”” Vox: Joe Manchin just took an important filibuster reform off the table “In a 50-50 Senate, every vote matters. Though Democrats can effectively change Senate rules with only a simple majority vote, they almost certainly need every single member of their caucus to back any significant change to the filibuster rule. So if Manchin — or other reform skeptics like Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) — take potential reforms off the table, that’s a serious blow to the broader project of trying to weaken the filibuster.”
#2A #guncontrol #Biden #democrats #gunbill #HR8 Newsletter Signup: In this video, I discuss how the introduction of the "NICS Denial Notification Act" dramatically impacts the outcome of HR 8. The Hill: “in 2013, the Senate took up bipartisan background check legislation sponsored by Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), just months after the 2012 shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Murphy’s home state. But the measure fell just a few votes short of the 60-vote threshold needed to advance.” Manchin and Toomey reintroduce bill Grassley from Iowa joins the Reintroduced Bill
#guncontrol #HR8 #HR1446 #Biden #2A #Democrats Newsletter Signup: In this video, I highlight exactly what has to go wrong for the gun bills HR 8 and HR 1446 to become Law of the Land... Vox Article: "The bill, like all gun control legislation over the past several years, will likely fail in the Senate."
#biden #guncontrol #2A #gunworld #democrats Newsletter Signup: In this video we breakdown the state of the gun bills. Biden supports the filibuster and Manchin won't budge to get rid of it... The far left is getting pissed! Check it out! Videos to support this thesis: Anna Kasparian freaking out: TYT: Jen Psaki saying Biden supports the filibuster:
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