What has to go WRONG for the Gun Control to pass the Senate...

Langley Outdoors Academy

#guncontrol #HR8 #HR1446 #Biden #2A #Democrats
Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1
In this video, I highlight exactly what has to go wrong for the gun bills HR 8 and HR 1446 to become Law of the Land...
Vox Article:
"The bill, like all gun control legislation over the past several years, will likely fail in the Senate."

Previous Videos

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    #biden #guncontrol #2A #gunworld #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In this video we breakdown the state of the gun bills. Biden supports the filibuster and Manchin won't budge to get rid of it... The far left is getting pissed! Check it out! Videos to support this thesis: Anna Kasparian freaking out: TYT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qceuhzj7Co Jen Psaki saying Biden supports the filibuster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7elQDJCpRvA&t=267s

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