RINO BACKPEDALS: Crenshaw slips when "apologizing" for calling the 20 holdouts terrorists on CNN...
Langley Outdoors Academy
Did you see the RINO BACKPEDALING? Crenshaw slips when "apologizing" for calling 20 holdout "terrorists" on CNN... This clip said a lot more than what they expected. As Dan Crenshaw attempts to divert heat away from not only his comments, but also his aggressive stance which seems to be causing him some issues... Let's discuss people!
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Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a The ATF has undermined Gun Control talking points AGAIN and AGAIN... More data to support our Gun Rights... This is why we fight for our Rights every single day. They gun controllers don't have the Constitution, data, examples, nor statistics. The only thing they have is emotion. This is where we will defeat them people! Let's discuss! Articles for Reference: https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/philadelphia-gunviolence-zip-codes-2022-shooting-incidents/ https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/01/04/atf-data-reveals-how-detroit-is-getting-guns-off-of-the-streets/
Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a "Gun Violence" is DRAMATICALLY reducing in two different cities in Gun Control States... How can "gun violence" plummet WITOUTH new Gun Control?... According to gun controllers, this should not be possible... What could be the cause?... Let's' discuss people! Prior video: https://youtu.be/Enx285-ZwK4 Article for Reference: https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/gun-violence-on-downward-trend-in-peoria-in-2022/
Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a The 20 "holdouts" may have just done more in a week than RINOs have done in decades... This is a really big deal people! This past week in McCarthy's election has shown both the power of a spine and unified opposition, and the weakness of the RINOs in the establishment... This is a much bigger deal than the Media is telling you... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3803315-mccarthy-concessions-to-win-speakership-raise-eyebrows/
SDI Link: https://sdischool.co/LangleyOutdoors Vote for me in the Gundies HERE: https://www.thegundies.com/category/top-voices-2a BREAKING DECISION! Bump stock ban REVERSED prior to ATF rule release...! This is MASSIVE! This decision was just released an hour ago from the 5th circuit court! Bump Stock's decision claiming Bump Stocks are Machine Guns has been REVERSED! This is MASSIVE as the ATF is called out multiple times in this decision! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.gunowners.org/wp-content/uploads/Cargill-5th-Circuit-en-banc-Circuit-Split-with-GOA-Case.pdf
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