YIKES: California Gun Control DEALT a MASSIVE Road Block… #shortsvideo #shorts
Stone's Second Sense
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DIRTY… is $500,000 the Going rate for a Gun Control Judge?! #shortsvideo #shorts
BREAKING: Gun Control model ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL in court! This is HUGE! In today's episode, we dive into the unconstitutional ruling of one of the main staples of Gun Control in California. The Handgun Roster has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL! This is a massive deal with massive implications! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://apnews.com/article/california-gun-control-supreme-court-1b5bbef296f16c8f56fd16f75555c044
Second Press Link: https://www.secondpress.co ULTRA Left Huff Post DECRIES that Gun Control has been LOSING for 15 years.. and it is getting WORSE. In tonight's episode, we break down a new article from FAR LEFT Huffington Post in which they are DECRYING how bad the Gun Control movement has been losing for 15 years and that it is only getting worse... Oh, do we have some stuff to discuss here people! Articles for Reference: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/courts-strangling-gun-reform_n_64188ad4e4b0bc5cb651b610
INSULT TO INJURY… NC ready to OVERRIDE Gun Control veto! #shortsvideo #shorts
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