Will 2022 midterms be Gun Control vs Gun Rights?… I HOPE SO…

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2A #guncontrol #2022 #Biden #democrats
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In today's video, we discuss how the battlefield is being laid for the 2022 midterms. Will Gun Control vs Gun Rights be the main focal point? The Hill seems to think so... Let's discuss people!
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Previous Videos

  • China has a Mass Stabbing problem... but they have EXTREME Gun Control... Thumbnail

    #2A #guncontrol #biden #democracy Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In today's video, we discuss how China has had multiple stabbing sprees or Mass Casualty events this year. The only catch, they have no guns so knives were used... A pattern is showing from London to Russia... It's not the tool, its the people... Article for Citation: https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/09/china/china-knife-attacks-mic-intl-hnk/index.html

  • San Jose, CA Mayor goes full Gun Control… Insurance, Fees and Taxes for your gun rights?… Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In today's video, we discuss how the Mayor of San Jose, CA just went FULL ON GUN CONTROL in a recent statement. This may take 1st place in our crazy department for infringements upon the 2nd amendment in 2021! Let's discuss people! Articles for Citation: https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/09/us/san-jose-guns-insurance/index.html

  • The Secret Gun Bill that never was… “quiet” gun bill dies behind Senate doors… Thumbnail

    #2A #guncontrol #Biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In today's video, we discuss how a "quiet" gun control bill that was being discussed behind closed doors, is officially DEAD. This is big people, let's discuss! Articles for Citation: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/544560-schumer-to-hash-out-gun-control-plan-after-mass-shootings https://www.kxan.com/news/us-politics/texas-senator-part-of-bipartisan-deal-to-strengthen-gun-background-checks/ https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/09/senate-gun-control-deal-492696

  • Is the AP figuring it out?... The NRA is NOT the 2nd Amendment... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In today's video, we discuss how the AP is starting to realize that even though the think the NRA is dead... Gun rights are growing... Let's discuss people! Articles for Citation: https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-gun-politics-health-coronavirus-pandemic-government-and-politics-7a4999ef20bf62460b615a93dd9ea972


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