WHOOPS! DOJ caught between a rock and a hard place... Fight Gun Control or lose a $230 Million case?
Langley Outdoors Academy
The DOJ is caught between a rock and a hard place... They can either fight AGAINST gun control or lose a $239 Million case... Well, this is awkward. In this case, the DOJ has ALREADY argued that Gun Control and background checks do not work because the criminals can simply buy a gun around the Laws... SERIOUSLY. Let's discuss people!
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SDI Link: https://sdischool.co/LangleyOutdoors In today's episode, we dive into the breaking news that Kevin McCarthy has YIELDED further to the 2A and Freedom Caucuses... This is a MASSIVE deal for the 2A... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/01/kevin-mccarthy-speaker-vote-00076002 Prior video: https://youtu.be/_SxRf6A0Omc
In tonight's video, we dive into Whitmer's inauguration promise of Gun Control... but Assault Weapons Bans were not on her list... Oversight or subterfuge? Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/michigan/2023/01/01/whitmer-governor-michigan-second-inauguration/69769726007/
SDI Link: https://sdischool.co/LangleyOutdoors In today's episode, Red flag laws "emperor has no clothes moment" is here... This is the beginning of the end for Red flag laws! As a Supreme Court Judge in NY has just ruled the Red Flag Laws unconstitutional! This is a baby step, but it is a masterful ruling which lays the foundation to attack Red Flag laws going forward! Let's discuss people! Article for Reference: https://www.newyorkcriminalattorneyblog.com/new-york-supreme-court-justice-deems-new-yorks-red-flag-laws-are-unconstitutional/
Happy New year to each and every one of you! I look forward to driving the 2nd Amendment forward with each of you next year in 2023! Let's go!
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