Virginia TURNS RED!!! Gun Rights, Education, Taxes... Red Wave building!

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2a #biden #guncontrol #democrats
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In today's bullet points, we discuss the "upset" in Virginia! Glenn Youngkin just took VA because of each of you! Gun Rights are ready to go on the offense and the Democrats have been dealt a massive blow! Let's discuss people!

Previous Videos

  • Gun Controllers say ENGLISH KINGS didn't allow arms in the 1200's... So we shouldn't have guns... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: In tonight's video, we discuss and article in which Gun Controllers openly advocate for Gun Control because English Kings denyed their subjects of arms.... You can't make this up... Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:

  • BREAKING! Did The NY Times just give up on Gun Control as we know it?!! Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #Democrats Newsletter Signup: In tonight's video, we discuss an article in the NYT today that literally abandons every major Gun Control talking point over the last 25 years... I can't believe this one got published people... Let's discuss! Article for Reference:

  • St. Louis Mayor's Gun Violence Prevention speech interrupted by... GUN SHOTS... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: In today's Bullet Points episode, we discuss how the Mayor of St. Luis was intrupted mid press conference around... Gun Violence prevention. It doesn't get more ironic than this... let's discuss people! Article for Reference: Fair use declaration: The clip used in the creation of this unique product is used under the Fair Use Doctrine.

  • Chuck Todd DESTROYS Biden with new poll numbers... Which happens to explain all our new guns!... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: In tonight's episode, we discuss a clip from Meet the Press in which Chuck Todd absolutely DEMOLISHES Biden with recent poll numbers... We also see data that supports Americans buying firearms at a record pace last year, including 40% of first time gun buyers! Let's discuss people! Video Clip for Reference: Fair Use Declaration: This clip is used in the creation of complete and unique finished product, which is covered under the Fair Use Doctrine


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