This is TERRIFYING! Gun Controller desires to "give up some personal freedoms for a safe society"...
Langley Outdoors Academy
In today's episode, we dive into comments made by a gun controlling pundit who declares that, "he would be willing to give up some personal freedoms fro what he hopes would be a more safe society". This is the EXACT issue at hand and he said it out loud! Freedom and liberty is NOT a currency of which to purchase perceived safety... Let's discuss people!
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This may be the most important video I've ever made... I have been struggling for 2-3 months whether I was going to share this with you. I have decided it is both appropriate and timely for me to do so... I look forward to your thoughts and please let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments below...
In this bombshell interview excerpt, the General Counsel for NSSF and I discuss "Assault Weapons Bans" and the future heading toward the SCOTUS. In this interview it is his opinion that SCOTUS will take up these cases in the next 3-5 years! Of course, this has not come to pass, but it is encouraging to hear this line of thinking! Let's discuss people!
In tonight's video, we dive into the news that California Attorney General Rob Bonta has flat out BAILED on Governor Gavin Newsom's newest gun control idea... This is just embarrassing... Let's laugh together people! Articles for Reference:
ATF has officially changed the 4473 and 18 - 20 year old's Gun Rights are officially on the table... We have seen pieces of this policy rolling out over the past few months and now the cherry on top is the 4473 changes. Make sure you know these changes as we move forward in this fight for our Rights!
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