THAT DOESN'T make it a MACHINE GUN!!! #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #congress #guncontrol
Langley Outdoors Academy
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If this is the ATF’s case… they’re screwed on this one, and it could bring down the whole scheme... In tonight's episode, we dive into what can only be described as one of the silliest arguments that the ATF has put forward to date. However, if this argument fails here... the whole house of infringement cards comes crashing down... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
Gun Shop DELETION: 350% increase in Gun Shop FORCED closures by Biden and his pet ATF... In today's episode, we dive into the MASSIVE SPIKE in gun shop closures under the Biden Administration. This size of a spike is HIGHLY unusual... unless you've got an ulterior motive to achieve... Articles for Reference:
Official Response to newest Bloomberg Gun Propaganda video… You ready to NUKE IT FROM ORBIT!? In tonight's video, we offer a direct response to Bloomberg's newest Dr's against guns propaganda video. @BearingArmsCamCo wanted the gun tubers to respond, I'll be their huckleberry... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine.
White House is TERRIFIED: Hunter Biden is now the key to Stopping Joe’s Gun Control and ELECTION... In today's episode, we dive into an article from CNN which is outing "private conversations" from the White House about the fear they have over the Hunter Biden Saga... Lets' discuss people! Articles for Reference:
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