SELF OWN: Progressive Lefties at TYT inadvertently sealed the deal for securing our Gun Rights
Langley Outdoors Academy
SELF OWN: Progressive Lefties at TYT inadvertently sealed the deal for securing our Gun Rights.
In today's episode, we dive into what has to be the greatest self own of a leftist who is FOR gun control that I have ever seen... In his attempt to prove a point against Republicans with the 14th Amendment, he completely supports the 2nd Amendment. This is a GUARANTEED to bring a smile to your face... Let's discuss people!
The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine.
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HAD ENOUGH..? When Gun Control on the view crashes and burns #shortsvideo #shorts Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine.
BREAKING AND EPIC! 1 MILLION COVERED by injunction!!! ATF takes ANOTHER "L" in Pistol Brace Rule... In tonight's episode, we cover the EXPANSION of the pistol brace rule injunction AGAINST the ATF. This is a MASSIVE!!! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
HUGE: Gov tells Joy Benhar Gun Control ain’t happening… #shortsvideo #shorts Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine.
DISGUSTING: Biden Admin CAUGHT using Tax payer funds equating gun owners and NRA with Nazis… In today's episode, we dive into a report which the Biden Admin and DHS gave $352k to groups to develop college programs which place gun owners and NRA members on par with the Socialist Democratic Party of Germany... AKA the NAZIS Articles for Reference:
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