Progressives Dems now SUPPORT the 2nd Amendment as Biden mulls sending guns to Ukrainians...

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats #Ukraine
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In today's episode of Bullet Points, we highlight the HEIGHT of hypocrisy from Progressive Democrat social media accounts to the halls of the White House. For years these politicians and activist have berated us for our belief in the Second Amendment. Who know all it would take was Russia to invade for these same people to become ardent Second Amendment supporters... The hypocrisy knows no bounds... Let's discuss people!
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Previous Videos

  • Head of Gun Control policy for Giffords sounds the alarm that they are LOSING... We are winning! Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Armed American Supply affiliate link: In tonight's video we take a look at an article which quotes the Chief Counsel of saying that they are losing and we are winning! "These are troubling times for Gun Safety advocates...". Now is the time for us to pour it on and pass along the blessing of our 2nd Amendment to the next generation. Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:

  • Ukrainian President announces Guns will be given to anyone who can BEAR them.. All you need is an ID Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #putin #democrats #ukrain In tonight's video we take a look at how fast the situation is changing in Ukraine. In 24 hours they have gone from not big on guns, to everyone can carry now, to grab a gun if you have a pulse... This is huge, because as this situations develops, the more it discredits Gun Control here. Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:

  • Ukraine grants citizens the RIGHT to bear arms... is it too little too late?... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats #ukraine #putin In today's episode of the Bullet Points we examine the most recent moves of the Ukrainian Parliament to allow their citizens the Right to bear arms! Is this too little too late for the Ukrainians? This is why we have our own 2nd Amendment, for just this reason. Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:

  • 2021 Gun Sales were MASSIVE... Only eclipsed by 2020 in records!  Wait till you see who's buying... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's video, we take a look at the Gun Sales numbers from 2021. They were only eclipsed by 2020 in sheer number of guns sold. Americans of every demographic are taking up their 2nd Amendment rights and it's glorious to see! This movement will reinvigorate our rights and the next generation of gun owners is going to be a problem for Dems... Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:


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