NJ Gun Control laws getting in the way of… GUN CONTROL "goals"…

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2a #biden #guncontrol #democrats
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In today's Bullet Points episode, we discuss how New Jersey's Gun Control laws are interfering with Gun Control goals... This is the hard truth, Gun Control causes need for MORE Gun Control... It never stops. Let's discuss people!
Article for Reference:

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    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In today's Bullet Points episode we discuss how the FEAR of this SCOTUS decision from NY is starting to leak out from the Left... This is important for us to recognize and keep pushing! Let's discuss people! Article for Reference: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/20/supreme-court-weigh-new-yorks-limit-carrying-handg/

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    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In tonight's video, we discuss how CNN compared Gun Control between the US and China. It turns out, that they accidentally supported the 2nd Amendment! Let's discuss people! Article for Reference: https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/20/china/gun-control-us-china-mic-intl-hnk/index.html

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