NJ Dem leader leaving office refuses to hold a vote on Gun Control, "It's all feel good, won't help"
Langley Outdoors Academy
USCCA Link: https://www.usccapartners.com/langley
In tonight's video, we take a look at a statement made by the exiting NJ Leader of the Senate in reference to Gun Control. He didn't hold a vote because he's "tired of holding votes that won't do anything to stop crime"... This is everything that we have been saying across the country... Let's discuss people!
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#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats USCCA Link: https://www.usccapartners.com/langley In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at an article out of Philadelphia which is an excellent example of how to dismantle gun control step by step. It's great to see this type of article coming from our side in a mainstream news outlet. Let's discuss people! Article for Reference: https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/biden-ghost-gun-control-firearms-20220418.html
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's video, we take a look at an article in the AP which is openly throwing the Democrats under the bus, chiding them that the NRA has defeated them, and is providing a platform for Gun Controllers to Primary Democrats... This is something right here! USCCA Link: https://www.usccapartners.com/langley Article for Reference: https://apnews.com/article/covid-health-new-york-violence-shootings-214ac6ce24c8551cd7eaf93e1db431b1
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats USCCA Link: https://www.usccapartners.com/langley In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we examine a piece from ABC News in which they are trying to sell the point that Mass Shootings are on the rise in a way that is not accurate. They must be getting desperate, because this level of propaganda is getting overt... Let's discuss people! Video for Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOFf9gNeX34 Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the Fair Use Doctrine.
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats USCCA Link: https://www.usccapartners.com/langley In tonight's episode we examine an interview in which David Chipman's mask fall completely off... This guy was lauded as the perfect candidate to run the ATF, measured, experienced, the right man for the right time... Well, it turns out he is not quite the prince they wanted him to be... Let's discuss people! Article for Reference: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/biden-ghost-guns-regulation-atf-director-nominee.html