New low achieved... Gavin thinks our Rights decrease as population increases... THIS IS A MUST SEE..
Langley Outdoors Academy
New LOW achieved... Gavin thinks our Rights decrease as population increases... THIS IS A MUST SEE... In today's episode, we dive into a press conference that Gavin Newsom, Governor of California gave on Friday. In this presser, AR-15's became "Weapons of Mass Destruction", Rights now have population caps, and 2nd Amendment Rights are "asserted Rights"... You can't make this up... Let's discuss people!
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Previous Videos
SDI Link: BREAKING: Bruen STRIKES AGAIN as another Gun Control law gets a "buzz kill"… Mary J is ecstatic… In tonight's video, we break down another decision which slaps existing gun control law directly in the face! The Bruen decision is taking a wreaking ball to the Gun Control dreams of the Left almost everywhere... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
SDI Link: ATF Pistol Brace rule may have an Achilles heel… Did the ATF just DESTROY State Assault Weapon Bans?! A new emergency lawsuit from Connecticut may lay the groundwork for a destruction of State level Assault Weapons Bans across the country! This is some great work, and in my opinion has some legs! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
U.S Senate forms “Anit-2A Gun Control Caucus”… What could go wrong with these usual suspects..? In tonight's video, we dive into the usual suspects who have now formed a new Gun Control Caucus within the U.S. Senate. With these Senators in charge, there is way too many things that could go wrong... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
LEFT IS FURIOUS: Guns for Violent abusers or Gun Rights preserved over accusations..? In today's episode, we dive into a new federal decision which has overturned rulings which have taken the Rights of people away based on accusations and court orders rather than actual convictions... This has the Left is an uproar and we need to pay special attention as to how this is framed... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: