MAJOR BACKFIRE: Gun Controllers won't want you to see this... as they won't use this point again...
Langley Outdoors Academy
NIGHTMARE FUEL: Gun Controllers don't want you to see this... Use their own points against them... In tonight's video, we dive into how to dissect the gun control points against them. The left likes to use Switzerland as an example for a lot of things... but after this video, I bet they won't use it for a gun comparison again! Let's discuss people!
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Get a 14-day free trial with my sponsor Aura and keep yourself protected: IT'S A TRAP! Mainstream media POSTURING that Gun Control doesn't work... Watch the other hand! In today's episode we explore how yet ANOTHER mainline media outlet is feigning a loss of faith in Gun Control efforts in California. At this point, I am complete convinced that it is a trap to push for even more extreme gun control... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
Second Legacy Link: In tonight's video we address Feinstein's 100,000th introduction of the same Assault Weapons Ban... However, the Republican response this time leaves little to the imagination... Let's discuss people! Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine. Articles for Reference:
#takedownthebutton WHAT?! AP admits Bans and Gun Control DOESN'T WORK?! What is going on here..? In today's episode, we are going to dive into how the AP and other media outlets are openly questioning Gun Control on their platforms and even releasing facts that bans DON'T WORK?! What is going on here? Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:
#takedownthebutton In light of current events against my Rights and the Rights of every American and 2A Tuber... This button will no longer hold a place of prominence and pride in my content. #takedownthebutton
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