Judge goes NUCLEAR... More BAD NEWS for Gun Control as The "Gavster" is not having a good week...
Langley Outdoors Academy
In today's episode, we explore Gavin Newsom's terrible, no good, awful week for his Gun Control dreams... Judge Benitez in California just tore asunder Gavin's "fee reimbursement" plans for Californian residents who dare to challenge the gun control tyranny... This is priceless! Let's discuss!
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SDI Link: https://sdischool.co/LangleyOutdoors In tonight's episode, we dive into an AP report which seems to be casting doubt on the passage of the newest Assault Weapons Ban being discussed in Illinois... Why would they be doing this? Is there truly doubt in the passage of the AWB in Illinois or is this just smoke? Something is off here... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://apnews.com/article/violence-chicago-illinois-a25475e2b4b56228b196b97cdce36b09
SDI Link: https://sdischool.co/LangleyOutdoors In today's episode, we dive into what a leading Republican Louie Ghomert said about "getting rid of the 2nd Amendment"... While he isn't advocating for repeal of the 2nd Amendment by any means, his point is extremely valid... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gohmert-without-change-how-children-taught-going-have-get-rid-second-amendment https://mountlibertycollege.org/without-virtue-there-can-be-no-liberty/
SDI Link: https://sdischool.co/LangleyOutdoors BREAKING NEWS! Big blow dealt to Ballot Measure 114 in Oregon! The State judge has issued the preliminary injunction AGAINST Measure 114! However, that is not the biggest news, this ruling has laid the foundation for challenges against magazine bans across the Nation. This has massive possibilities people! PDF available for download: https://www.secondpress.co
Press Release available for download at https://www.secondpress.co Other creators are welcome to feature it if desired. In tonight's episode, we issue for immediate distribution a press release which wholly rejects Biden's concept of "Societal Guilt" which he has thrust on the American people Dec. 14th, 2022. We the people do not accept this premise nor do we accept your perception of the people which you hold office to represent. Let this be our answer if you agree as a people. Press Release available now for download under the media section: https://www.secondpress.co
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