Has The Time Has Come To REPEAL The NFA?!? #shortsvideo #2ndamendment #shortsfeed #shorts
Stone's Second Sense
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NFA & ATF DESTRUCTION Bills Launched By The Same U.S Rep.. Do We Have A New 2A Champion In Congress? Aura Link: https://aura.com/langley Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches and brokers. Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/langley to get a 14-day free trial and see if any of your data has been exposed. My partner Aura just launched their new "Are you smarter than a scammer?" quiz. Take the quiz and see if you’re as savvy as you think: https://bit.ly/aurasts Articles for Reference: https://x.com/RepEricBurlison/status/1876693164054212838 Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine. * For a non-cancellable commerce platform (like secondpress.co) in regulated industries visit our sponsor https://flexcommerce.io/r/secondpress
Okay... It's Time To Talk About Abolishing The ATF... Will It Happen Now? Want to call into the show? Fill out this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefoF04MdHGsq33M182LTWEy6hhj3IhcP3SFTyo1t7ePJhYMA/viewform?usp=sf_link Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the Fair Use Doctrine.
Rogan: The Importance Of The 2A and Our Freedoms?!? #shortsvideo #2ndamendment #shortsfeed #shorts Articles for Reference: https://x.com/joeroganhq/status/1878314593514045486?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1878314593514045486%7Ctwgr%5E7e16355765a79db5b9e904ec4564016429e8cb6a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Ft%2Fassets%2Fhtml%2Ftweet-4.html1878314593514045486 Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine.
EPIC: Joe Rogan DELIVERS On 2A In MASTERFUL TRUTH BOMB AGAINST The Anti 2A Forces... Aura Link: https://aura.com/langley Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches and brokers. Go to my sponsor to get a 14-day free trial and see if any of your data has been exposed My partner Aura just launched their new "Are you smarter than a scammer?" quiz. Take the quiz and see if you’re as savvy as you think: https://bit.ly/aurasts Articles for Reference: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2025/01/13/joe-rogan-america-has-unique-freedom-because-1st-amendment-protected-by-2nd-amendment/ https://x.com/joeroganhq/status/1878314593514045486?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1878314593514045486%7Ctwgr%5E7e16355765a79db5b9e904ec4564016429e8cb6a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Ft%2Fassets%2Fhtml%2Ftweet-4.html1878314593514045486 Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine. * For a non-cancellable commerce platform (like secondpress.co) in regulated industries visit our sponsor https://flexcommerce.io/r/secondpress
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