Has Gun Control FINALLY meet its match? Must see interview with Top Gun Rights Lawyer at NSSF...
Langley Outdoors Academy
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BREAKING: Sinema leaves Democrat party! Dems just LOST the SENATE… AGAIN! In today's episode, we dive into the breaking news that has the Gun Controlling Left in a tizzy. Kyrsten Sinema has announced she is leaving the Democrat party. This has massive implications for our Gun Rights as the senate breakdown is now again 50/50. This bodes well for the filibuster and our holding the line against these infringements! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/09/us/politics/kyrsten-sinema-democrats.html
AR Pistol Brace rule IMMINENT... Internal sources say it's VERY CLOSE. Activity has been picking up around the Pistol Brace Rule and now we have internal sources who are hearing it is within days... We have a rough range of when to expect it before we start breaking it down as to how it affects you. Let's discuss people! *No reference as this is an internal source to be protected.
They're at it again! Biden and Pelosi stun in the newest edition of Gun Control theatre as they speak to gun control vigil for an Assault Weapons ban and the media laps it right up... What does this mean for you? Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-pledges-strengthen-gun-laws-vigil-victims-gun/story?id=94715147 https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/07/joe-biden-gun-violence-vigil-00072938
New gun control bill introduce and passed. They now want you to BAN yourself from buying a gun... and it passed... A gun control bill was passed today from the judiciary committee enabling you to put yourself on a "do not buy" list... While the bill provides no way to remove yourself from the "list"... but dems promise they will fix it after it passes... We live in an upside down world... Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/democrats-push-firearms-purchasing-ban-people-who-voluntarily-give-up-2nd-amendment-rights https://twitter.com/gunowners/status/1600588392709984256?s=42&t=GKtmX6TquGVfemiC3RZgLQ Fair Use Disclaimer: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine.
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