Gun Controllers have 3 MASSIVE nightmares coming... Constitutional Carry is on a TEAR in 3 states!

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats
In tonight's episode we discuss how there is a race to be the 22nd Constitutional Carry State going on RIGHT now! Georgia, Alabama, and Ohio are on the cusp of Constitutional Carry becoming LAW!!! Tune in to see how our rights are growing with a vengeance!
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Previous Videos

  • Biden's SOTU analysis... Gun Control led this campaign checklist of Leftist policies... just WOW... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Watch my video: "State of the 2nd Amendment Address" here: In today's episode of Bullet Points, I provide analysis of Biden's SOTU address which was a who's who of Biden's greatest hits from Ukraine resistance to no guns for you... There is a reason that he brought up Gun Control AGAIN... He is trying to secure his base, which he has lost... Let's discuss people! The Woox link has expired. Clip To watch the whole SOTU: Fair use doctrine disclaimer: The clips used in the creation of this unique and complete product were used under the Fair Use Doctrine.

  • The State of the 2nd Amendment Address Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's video, I give my perspective of the State of the Second Amendment in America. This recounts the past year of Gun Control attempts and the road that we have travelled together, and to where we will go in the future to pass the blessings of the second amendment to the next generation. The Woox link has expired.

  • Indiana Constitutional Carry Bill NOT dead! Senate procedure could see it rise like a Phoenix! Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode of Bullet Points, we discuss the Constitutional Carry Bill in Indiana. It may actually be alive and have a chance of passing! Now of course, I cannot guarantee an outcome but it is promising for sure! In the next two weeks this Bill will either die or succeed through the Senate procedural rules! Let's discuss people! The Woox link has expired. Articles for Reference:

  • Constitutional Carry passes Senate in Ga!.. But WA State Senate swings back with new Red Flag laws.. Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's video, we take a look at the actions of two State Senates. Ga has passed Constitutional Carry through the Senate and it is looking really good to become law. While Washington State Senate is considering furthering the Red flag laws to include "Coercive Control"... Let's discuss people! The Woox link has expired. Articles for Reference: Georgia bills: Washington bills:


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