FPC takes no prisoners in their ATF brief... and drops SOLID GOLD for the SCOTUS
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ATF WHOOPINS hogging all the attention... Gun Controlling Dems launch letter to regain relevance... In today's episode, we dive into the comical attempt at Dems on the "Gun violence prevention committee" to regain some attention for their personal gain. Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4135184-democrats-press-kevin-mccarthy-for-gun-reform-vote/
FPC: This Response is EXACTLY what we needed! FPC responded to the SCOTUS on the “frame or receiver” case and you are going to want to see and read this! Link: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23A82/274511/20230802162019194_2023-08-02%20VanDerStok%20-%20Resp%20in%20Oppn%20to%20Stay%20vf.pdf
ATF just BLINKED and they’re SCARED AS HELL... On EVE of Alito stay expiration, ATF throws Hail Mary. In tonight's episode, we dive into the response to FPC from the DOJ / ATF. They felt the need to put together ANOTHER brief begging and explaining why the SCOTUS should give them their way... You need to see this: Article for Reference: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23A82/274604/20230803162831282_VanDerStok%20Stay%20Reply%20vf%2023A82.pdf
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