Firearms Tax Exemption in this swing State is too much for Leftist: "guns are the same as bread"...
Langley Outdoors Academy
In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at an article from AZ in which the author ties a Firearm tax exemption to equivalency to bread... With AZ being a swing state, the losses that the Left is experiencing is causing them to make some drastic exaggerations which are ridiculous to say the least... Let's discuss people!
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#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's episode we examine a new poll from Rasmussin which is sure to cause nightmares for Gun Controllers all snug in their beds. These numbers are telling to say the least and it shows that we are making a difference! Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at an opinion piece from MSNBC. This article is clearly looking to build Biden up in the eyes of Americans and the method that they are using is Gun Control... This pretty gross and I expect us to get a lot more of this as we move forward together towards 2022. Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's episode we examine how the Gun Controllers are showing some very serious disappointment with Biden and his Gun Control announcement this week... They are not shy about their disappointment either... Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:
#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode we break down a segment from "The View" in which they attack the Second Amendment and openly advocate for the removal of all guns. Of course, it is no mystery as their thoughts on the idea, but for them to advocate openly for it, that is a new step... Let's discuss people! Video for Reference: Fair Use Disclaimer: The clips used in the creation of this unique and complete produce are used under the Fair Use Doctrine.
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