Defensive use of firearms outnumbers "Gun violence"... by a factor of 47 ANNUALLY...

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats
In tonight's video we take a look at an article which lays out that defensive gun uses in the US outnumber the number of "gun violence" by a factor of 47... The number of 42,000 gun deaths per year is now dwarfed by the number of defensive uses at an estimated 2 million! Let's discuss people!
Article for Reference:

Previous Videos

  • Is the WA State Mag ban designed to fail?... Gun Controllers aren't this dumb... are they?... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In tonight's video, we take a look at the new bill that will be voted on in the Washington State House this week. The bill already bans magazines of over 10 rounds, but is it designed to fail in order to usher in more serialization and gun control?... No one is this dumb... are they?... Articles for Reference:

  • Biden DOJ sues MO over Gun Rights Law... with 8 States following suit, WHY now?... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Armed American Supply Affiliate Link: In tonight's video, we take a look at the DOJ's new lawsuit against the Second Amendment Preservation Act in MO. They have been talking about suing for a long time... But WHY now? There is more here than just random timing. Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:

  • Now there is a “Rittenhouse loophole”… and of course a new Gun Control law to go with it… Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats In today's episode of Bullet Points, we discuss a new "Gun Loophole" which has been identified in the Wisconsin area. This variant is called the "Rittenhouse Loophole"... You can't make this stuff up. Naturally, there is a Democratic bill introduced to address this egregious loophole. Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:

  • Gun Control Senator throws White House under the bus on Gun Control… Pressure is building... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Armed American Supply affiliate link: In tonight's video, we take a look at how the Gun Control Senator himself, Sen. Chris Murphy has just thrown the Biden White House under the bus on Gun Control. While the pressure has been building on the White House around Gun Control, this is a new step for Chris Murphy to pile on... Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:


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