BREAKING NEWS: Georgia PASSES Constitutional Carry and NE is one step closer! Keep PUSHING!

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats
USCCA Sponsor Link:
In tonight's episode, we discuss the breaking news that GA just passed Constitutional carry through their house and after a quick concurrence vote in the Senate, it is going to the Governor! NE not to be outdone, is now one step away from passing Constitutional Carry themselves! What an amazing day! Let's discuss people!
Articles for Reference:

Previous Videos

  • Alabama Constitutional Carry signing has the Left bringing out the big guns... The media... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats USCCA sponsor link: In today's episode of the Bullet Points, we take a look at an article from ABC which is sounding the alarm loudly against Constitutional Carry. They are starting to notice that we are making big moves and they attempt to rally their troops against the movement! Their actions and words tell you all you need to know! Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:

  • We have a 22nd Constitutional Carry State!  Well on our way to 50% of States this MONTH! Thumbnail

    #2a #biden #guncontrol #democrats USCCA Sponsor Link: In tonight's video, we address some breaking and AMAZING news! We now officially have a 22nd State which is Constitutional Carry! Not only did we secure one more today, but we have votes for GA and NE tomorrow, with pending Governor signatures in Ohio and Indiana! This is an amazing time! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference:

  • Mag ban is awaiting signature, but they want MORE Gun Control... It will NEVER stop... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats USCCA Sponsor Link: In today's episode of Bullet Points, we take a look at an article out of Washington State. With the new magazine ban awaiting signature, the Gun Controllers are wasting no time in calling for MORE Gun Control... If you think they will stop, I have a bridge to sell you in Colombia... Let's discuss people! Article for Reference:

  • In last bill of the year... Indiana sends carry bill to Governor to sign into LAW! Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats USCCA Sponsor Link: In tonight's video, we take a look at how the Indiana legislature Republicans snatched this bill from defeat and sent it to the Governors desk for signature into Law! Over the next 7 days, you need to call his office and encourage him to sign it into Law! Let's push this over the finish line Brothers and Sisters! Let's discuss! Article for Reference:


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