A Dem rift is growing on Gun Control Policy… and it’s getting worse!!!

Langley Outdoors Academy

#2a #guncontrol #democrats #biden
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In today's video, we further discuss how there is a growing rift in the Democratic party around their gun control policies. The superintendent in Chicago and new Mayor of NYC are calling Dem policies "Lawlessness..." Let's discuss people!
Articles for Reference:
YouTube Video on Eric Adams:
NY Daily
Fox News

Previous Videos

  • New ABC Poll DESTROYS Biden on handling of Gun Violence… 61% of Americans DISAPPROVE… Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In tonight's video, we discuss how Biden's DISAPPROVAL rating is now an abysmal 61% on his handling of guns in America... His ratings are falling off a cliff! Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLfcIYI0YiI https://www.newsweek.com/poll-shows-bidens-gun-violence-approval-rating-falling-37-amid-rise-shootings-1612928

  • Gun Violence "Emergencies" being declared EVERYWHERE... Could it just be about money?... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #Biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In today's video, we discuss how cities far and wide are declaring "emergencies" around gun violence. Is it really about gun violence, or does it really just come down to the money?... Let's discuss people! Philly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQX866m_UJk Cuomo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Tk8APcSgA Article for Reference: https://ktvz.com/cnn-regional/2021/07/24/city-of-flint-declares-state-of-emergency-against-gun-violence/

  • Gun control flips Biden strategy in town hall... did you catch it?.. Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In tonight's video, we discuss how there was a change in the Biden's approach to Gun Control in his town hall on CNN. Not only did Biden make an appearance on CNN, but he sent top cabinet officials to Chicago to make a further impact. Let's discuss people! Articles for Reference: https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2021/7/22/22588030/fight-chicago-gun-violence-justice-department-announce-crackdown-straw-purchasers https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/07/22/remarks-by-president-biden-in-a-cnn-town-hall-with-don-lemon/

  • Biden says he wants to ban PISTOLS on CNN town hall... Freudian slip much?... Thumbnail

    #2a #guncontrol #biden #democrats Newsletter Signup: https://www.langleyfirearmsacademy.com/copy-of-constitution-counter-1 In tonight's video, we discuss how Biden had the freudian slip of ALL freudian slips on gun control last night during a CNN town hall... He admits that he wants to ban pistols as well as rifles!... Articles for Reference: https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/biden-town-hall-cincinnati-07-21-21/index.html The actual clip: https://timcast.com/news/biden-im-pushing-to-end-sale-of-multiple-round-rifles-and-pistols/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1822061614635318


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